Being a Food Tech and Hospitality (Home Ec) teacher I really like this guy's advice. Food and textile products always were almost always turn out best when the creator follows the directions. I use to love the poster of a girl using a computer with the caption When in doubt read the directions.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he shall give you the desires of your heart." NKJV
IT WAS RARE that my mom ever got sick, but one day she was laid up in bed, leaving us kids to fend for ourselves in the kitchen. I decided to make some biscuits just the way Mom did - from scratch. I pulled out the cook book and found the recipe. Flour duster the counter top as I measure out the required amount. The recipe called for baking powder. I wonder what that's for? I pondered. I scanned the pantry until I found something that looked close enough - baking soda. That will do. I decided. Then salt. We can skip that, I thought. Whoever hear of salt on biscuits? And so on.
When the biscuits came out of the oven they looked all right, so I took a few samples to Mom for the final approval. To my shock she almost spat out the first bite she took. "What did you put in this?" She gagged.
I had to agree - they tasted terrible. As we retraced my culinary steps Mom uncovered the reason - I hadn't followed the recipe, and the result was disaster.
God has created a universe where happiness, health, and harmony depend upon our following the right recipe. In matters of health , God has pointed out those foods to avoid. In our dealing with others, God gave us the golden rule. In our search for heaven, God wrote the Ten Commandments. When we tinker with God's proven plan or scrap it altogether as we experiment with our own ideas for finding joy, we risk a far greater peril then producing ghastly biscuits. We risk our chances for true happiness and an abundant life.
Here are tow of my favourite Bible recipes. The first one beings with a statement of why this recipe is important. It says "He has shown you, O man what is good; and what does the Lord require of You" - then comes the recipe - "but do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." (Miach 6:8 NKJV)
The second recipe is simple. "If you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart."(Ps.37:4 NKJV). If we just learn to live by God's recipes for health instead of trying to invent our own, how much better the result!
Why not search the scriptures today for one of God's recipes?
Write it down follow it and experience the result.
(Kuzma K. (Ed.) (2005) Fit for ever. One a day devotionals for Body, Mind and Spirit. Following the Recipe by Richardson. L.Review and Herald Publishing Association USA.)
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