Friday, February 18, 2011


"Give us this day our daily bread" Matt 6:11

A Jewish prayer for blessing "Blessed are you O Lord our God,
King of the universe, who brings forth bread the the earth."

Bread has many meanings in the bible but the above blessing and even Jesus prayer giving thanks for the bread brings out the relationship between humans and God.  Another time this was so strongly linked was when Jesus feed the 5 thousand and the 3 thousand.

Bread is a commodity which the Middle Eastern countries and the Western world relies so much on as a staple food for survival.  Wheat is an excellent source of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins.  Wheat is a versatile grain as you can boil it and make gruel and if you bake it, it turns into bread.  If it gets wet well then those in the know it can be made into beer.

Bread was also used in ceremonies and kept in the Tabernacle or temple in ancient times. (12 loaves which represented how God had helped the 12 tribes of Israel in the past.)  This bread was only to be eaten by priest.  Tradition says that the family priest would only make this bread for the family for celebrations.

Bread and it's basic ingredients has many symbols attached to it.

a) The foremost is that Jesus used it as a symbol of his broken body during the last supper which all Christians remember when they celebrate the lords supper (communion and mass).
b) The bread of wickedness (all wicked things) Prov4:17
c) The bread of idleness (Prov 31:27)
d) Yeast was a evil symbol.  Jewish people had to get rid of yeast from their house during the Passover. Jesus talks about the yeast of the Pharisees in some of his parables.

Making bread from the grain to the loaf was a very long process.  We have such saying as the daily grind that comes from the activity of grinding the wheat to make the flour. (To make enough flour for the family of 5 a woman would have to grind for about 3 hrs (p.26,27)).  Then kneading and leavening process takes a while.  The women from Lod were able to go to the temple and back again while their bread was proving. (p.26)
Then the cooking of it is not that long.  The smell of fresh makes any one's mouth water.  It is such a comfort food.

Thoughts for this section come from the book Food at the time of the Bible. From Adam's Apple to the Last Supper.  Vamosh MF., Palpot Ltd, Herzlia, Israel
Please see the recipe section as I have put a couple of bread recipes there for any one to try.

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