Friday, August 10, 2012

The Farmhouse Kitchen

For some of you it might bring back memories.  It reminds me of going to my Aunt and Uncle's place.  The kitchen was the place where we would sit to talk and eat.  Where friends and family always come in the back door and stay for a chat.

Low-ceiled and welcoming, through the half-opened door,
You smell the bread raising - see the red-tiled floor,
A bee droning busily against muslined window-pane,
The dear farmhouse kitchen - could I enter once again!

There's a large long table, scrubbed clean and white,
Solid like the ceiled beams of oak, as black as night -
Though they come to life at seven when the fire is all aglow,
Reflecting gold and yellow of the flames that come and go.

The cat upon the "thrift" rug, with kittens close and warm,
The rug - made up of garments discarded - old and worn -
That still remember dark days of wind and frost and storm,
They whisper to the old cat of many a greying dawn!

While in and out some hungry men - hot or cold - in season,
Coming ti the kitchen for com for is the resin -
Never disappointed, food or warmth to find,
For the keep of the kitchen hurries on her mission kind!

The dear farmhouse kitchen - paint a gleaming there.
The walls austere and simple unadorned and bear.
But, oh , the smell of lavender butter cheese and cake,
That's calling from the oven - I've ready, come and take."

The clock so slowly ticking, over by the wall -
Solemn, staid and watchful he could tell you all
The happy task and busyness that kitchen surely knows,
But he only slowly moves his hands to tell us that time goes!

And like a benediction, upon the window sill,
A lovely bunch of lilac - scented- pure and still,
The licl a says quietly that God is please to wee,
A warm and homely pitch - neat and orderly.

I smell the lilac - lavender - through that half -opened doors,
Of the lovely farm house kitchen with the red-tiled floor!

(Mrs. C.L Kelly.  Selected Poems.)

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