Saturday, July 21, 2012

Eat with Your Kids

In Reading back articles on the "The Signs" magazines I came across an article by Gary Hopkins who is a researcher into why teenagers or peplum move into drug addiction.  He had some very simple thoughts on how to prevent this from happening.

Eating with your kids actually planning and having meals together.

1. It prevents young teens or preteens from watching tv and prevents obesity as they do not eat a lot of
     junk food.
2. It actually improves academic performance.
3. It reduces risky behaviours.
4. It is also an area that allows discussion and building of faith.

There were also 8 points of advice about meal time discussion.

1. Plan to have 5 or 6 meals a week as a family.
2. Make meal times extra special. Meals are a wonderful opportunity to show your children how  
    important they are to you.
3. Turn off mobile phones.
4. Remove tv, computers mp3 or 4s from the vicinity of the dinner table.
5. Keep conversation positive, pleasurable  and non- judgemental.
6. Discuss your children's day and share yours.
7. Ask questions that stimulate and explore faith, morality and beliefs.
8. Encourage everyone regardless of age to participate in the discussion.

In whole I think this advice is really great to encourage parents to slow down and show their kids they really care.  I know it's hard but with planning it will happen.  The Italians do it and so do the Jews in sharing meals together.  They enjoy, argue and still remain good friends after it.  Maybe it is something missing out of a Western lifestyle.  Even if you start with friends it's good to have company.

If you wish to read the full article just click below and it will take you to it.

Eat with your kids 

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