Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Garbage in the Salad

If we live in the Spirit, let us walk in the Spirit. Gal 5:25

Our Christian walk should square with our Christian talk!  Many who know the Lord as Savoiur are not ready for the life of full surrender and discipleship which is necessary for true joy, in the world while still clinging to Christ for salvation.  As a result they live defeated lives and their testimony is alwast wothless.
It was Jesus Himself who declared "No man can serve two masters." (Matt. 6:24). Paul says "If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit!"  After what has done to redeem our soul, can we do anything less then obey this admonition if we truly love Him, and wish to bring others to His side?

Many years ago the Home Life Magazine published the following illustration:
One day as a mother was scrapping and peeling the vegetables for a salad, her dauther came to ask her permission to go to worldly centre of amusement.  On the defensive, the daughter admitted it was a questionable place, but all the other girls were going, and they did not think it would actually hurt them.  As the girl talked, suddenly she saw her mother pick up a handful of discarded vegetable scraps and throw them into the salad. 
In  a startled voice she cried "Mother, you are putting the garbage in the salad!"
"Yes," her mother replied, "I know; but I thought that if you did not mind garbage in your mind and heart you certainly would not mind a little in your stomach!"
Thoughtgully the girl removed the offending material from the salad, and with a brief "Thank you," to her mother, she went to tell her friends she would not be going with them.

If you have spiritual indigetion, and have a "sick" testimony, maybe it's because you have allowered too much"garbage in the salad."

Earthly pleasures vainly call me,
I would be like Jesus:
Nothing worldly shall enthrall me,
I would be like Jesus.
   J Rowe.

DeHaan., R.W & Bosch., H.G. (1971).  Our Daily Bread Favourites. 366 Devotional Meditations.
                                                                    Daybreak books. Zondervan Publishing House. GrandRapids. Michigan.
                                                                    October 13

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