Thursday, November 10, 2011

How to tell if Your a Kitchen or Living Room Person

Test me: O LORD and try me, 
examine my heart and my mind for your love is ever before me, 
and I will walk continually in your truth. Ps. 26:2-3

I found another tit bit today while reading Joanna Weaver's book "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World".  I thought the concept was particularly neat...(p182,183).  In this book she talks about service as being in the kitchen, like Martha was and the Living Room where Mary was listening to her LORD filling up her spiritual side.

Listening to your soul a balance Checklist... (don't you just love checklist, it's easy to tick off and you don't have to think about where you are up to).

Because we were created for balance, we feel the difference in our souls when our lives tilt too far in one direction or another. The imbalance will show in our attitude, our energy level, and in the way we interact with people.  Any of the following could be an indication that you need to tilt more toward either service or devotion.

Signs that you may need more time in the Kitchen

  • Slight depression - You feel a vague unhappiness, a sense of being down.
  • Resentment of intrusion - Rather than welcome people into your life, you find yourself wishing they'd go away. 
  • Frustration over direction of life - You feel a sense of purposelessness and sometimes wonder,"Is this all there is. "
  • Increased self- indulgence - You feel and itch to treat yourself to your favourite food or shopping.
  • Apathetic attitude - You find that very little moves you. You know your compassion level is low, put part of you doesn't care.
  • Low energy Level - Like the Dead Sea, you have many inlets, but no outlets - and therefore you are growing stagnant.

Signs that you may need more time in the Living Room

  • Irritability and frustration - You find yourself snapping at people, wound so tight your about to 'snap' yourself, and especially short tempered with those you perceive as lazy or unco-operative.
  • Uncomfortable with quiet - silence makes you nervous, so you quickly turn on the TV or radio.
  • Low joy threshold - It's been a long time since you've sensed that undercurrent of joy and abundance running through your heart.
  • A sense of Isolation - You feel all alone - as if no one is there for you and no one understands.
  • Increase drivenness - You're haunted by a sense that you must do more and more.  You keep volunteering for more projects and for more committees, even though you know your plate is full.
  • Sense of dryness and emptiness -  No wonder! You have many outlets and demands, but no inlets or source of strength. 

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