Friday, July 22, 2011

Part 4 ADG and Spiritual Growth

The third section is just as important as the first two. Care for your food –prepare and store it safely.

The NHMRC states in this area “care still needs to be taken to ensure food does not be contaminated with bacteria the effects of eating infected food very widely.”  They then go on to say Food may be contaminated if the raw ingredients are “off” to start with, if kitchen equipment is unclean, if food is poorly cooked or if food is kept warm for long periods and poor personal hygiene.”

So then how can a Christian prevent this occurring in their spiritual lives?  The writer of Proverbs 2 exhorts us to find wisdom and understanding.  We must also seek it like silver or a treasure. Paul in his writings instructs Christians to seek their own salvation with fear and trembling but at the same time remembering that both Jesus and God are Authors and Finishers of their faith (Romans ). Jesus instructs us in John 16 to test the spirits etc.  Mrs. White also explains this thought in Ministry of Healing p115 “ It is our work to obtain a knowledge of these principles and by obedience to cooperate with Him in restoring health to the body as well as to the soul.”

Peter in 1Peter1:13 “So prepare your minds for service and have self control.” In proverbs 2:9 – 13 “Then you will understand what is honest and fair and what is the good and right thing to do…Good sense will protect you; understanding will guard you.”

In working with clean equipment the Christian should:-

  1. Test whatever we hear or read against what the bible teaches and to test the prophets teaching and their character also.

  1. To seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness with a contrite heart and he will direct your path.

God is also very particular about cleanliness and in showing his concern Jesus warned in the New Testament about the yeast of the Pharisees corrupting others.  “He is even more interested in the cleanliness of the hearts and lives of those who serve and worship him”. (Currie, D., & G. (2006) p.210).  Jesus taught us that it’s important to give all of ourselves to God after confessing our sins as any dusty corner or locked door could let more demons in.  Thus for that reason God gave the children of Israel regulations on how to deal with mold in clothing and houses in Leviticus 13:47-59 and 14:33-53 also how to prepare for the Passover Ex 12:15-20.  The priests were also to wash before going into the temple. (Ex 30:17-21; 40:30-32).

After a closer inspection of the health prevention principles of the ADG a Christian can use them to build their faith and also their Christian character which will fit them for heaven.  To finish Colbert quote “God in turn will honour your heartfelt commitment by giving you more energy, better health and a greater sense of well being.”


Campolo, T. (200?).  You can tell a Story.

Colbert, D., (2002). What Would Jesus Eat? Thomas Nelson Publishers.  Nashville.

Currie, D., & G. (2006). Living with God. Sirivtana Interprint Public. Co., Ltd.  Chachoengsao

Sullivan, C., Meredith, S., Weihen, L. (2007).  Food Technology.  Stage 5.  Heinemann. 
Harcourt Education.  Port Melbourne.

Vamosh, M.F. (2002).  Food at the time of the Bible.  Palphot Ltd. Herzlia. Israel 

White, E.G. (1976).  Counsels on Diet and Foods.  Review and herald Publishing Association

Bible verses are quoted from the New Century Version. 
The Youth Bible. (1991). Word Publishing. Texas.

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