Friday, July 22, 2011

Part 4 ADG and Spiritual Growth

The third section is just as important as the first two. Care for your food –prepare and store it safely.

The NHMRC states in this area “care still needs to be taken to ensure food does not be contaminated with bacteria the effects of eating infected food very widely.”  They then go on to say Food may be contaminated if the raw ingredients are “off” to start with, if kitchen equipment is unclean, if food is poorly cooked or if food is kept warm for long periods and poor personal hygiene.”

So then how can a Christian prevent this occurring in their spiritual lives?  The writer of Proverbs 2 exhorts us to find wisdom and understanding.  We must also seek it like silver or a treasure. Paul in his writings instructs Christians to seek their own salvation with fear and trembling but at the same time remembering that both Jesus and God are Authors and Finishers of their faith (Romans ). Jesus instructs us in John 16 to test the spirits etc.  Mrs. White also explains this thought in Ministry of Healing p115 “ It is our work to obtain a knowledge of these principles and by obedience to cooperate with Him in restoring health to the body as well as to the soul.”

Peter in 1Peter1:13 “So prepare your minds for service and have self control.” In proverbs 2:9 – 13 “Then you will understand what is honest and fair and what is the good and right thing to do…Good sense will protect you; understanding will guard you.”

In working with clean equipment the Christian should:-

  1. Test whatever we hear or read against what the bible teaches and to test the prophets teaching and their character also.

  1. To seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness with a contrite heart and he will direct your path.

God is also very particular about cleanliness and in showing his concern Jesus warned in the New Testament about the yeast of the Pharisees corrupting others.  “He is even more interested in the cleanliness of the hearts and lives of those who serve and worship him”. (Currie, D., & G. (2006) p.210).  Jesus taught us that it’s important to give all of ourselves to God after confessing our sins as any dusty corner or locked door could let more demons in.  Thus for that reason God gave the children of Israel regulations on how to deal with mold in clothing and houses in Leviticus 13:47-59 and 14:33-53 also how to prepare for the Passover Ex 12:15-20.  The priests were also to wash before going into the temple. (Ex 30:17-21; 40:30-32).

After a closer inspection of the health prevention principles of the ADG a Christian can use them to build their faith and also their Christian character which will fit them for heaven.  To finish Colbert quote “God in turn will honour your heartfelt commitment by giving you more energy, better health and a greater sense of well being.”


Campolo, T. (200?).  You can tell a Story.

Colbert, D., (2002). What Would Jesus Eat? Thomas Nelson Publishers.  Nashville.

Currie, D., & G. (2006). Living with God. Sirivtana Interprint Public. Co., Ltd.  Chachoengsao

Sullivan, C., Meredith, S., Weihen, L. (2007).  Food Technology.  Stage 5.  Heinemann. 
Harcourt Education.  Port Melbourne.

Vamosh, M.F. (2002).  Food at the time of the Bible.  Palphot Ltd. Herzlia. Israel 

White, E.G. (1976).  Counsels on Diet and Foods.  Review and herald Publishing Association

Bible verses are quoted from the New Century Version. 
The Youth Bible. (1991). Word Publishing. Texas.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Part 3 ADG and Spiritual Growth

The second section of the ADG deals with taking care to:-

  1. Limit saturated fat and moderate total intake.
In the physical body fat is an essential nutrient.  The individual needs only a small amount every day around 20g.  It is important for insulation (keep warm) and protection of vital organs and a person’s cells has a lipid layer.  The function of Fat in food is to provide flavour and texture.

In the Christian’s life faith is what insulates and protects the individual.  Faith is important as it has the element of trust built into it.  The Christian only needs a mustard seed size, but with it they can move mountains.

In the spiritual sense we give God our worries and learn to trust him with our every day concerns and activities.  In Matt 6:25-34 Jesus told his followers to consider the birds and the flowers in the field and how they had no cares. The Israelites were to burn the fat at the altar and not consume it. Thus the Christian are to cast all their cares upon him as he cares for each and every one of his children. To cast our burdens at the foot of the Cross and take up his for his load is light.

  1. Choose foods low in salt
Salt has two types of characteristics (jobs).  It can enhance the flavour of food or it can be used as an abrasive.  Christians are referred to by Jesus as the salt of earth (Mat 5:13).  They are to enhance and flavour those around them by being encouraging and also concerned about their community’s morals and value.  However, too often the other characteristic that salt has is seen.  Too often the words and actions of other Christians affect an individual’s point of view or turn them away from coming to church every week.  Therefore a mature Christian should carefully chose how and when to use words and actions. 

  1. Limit your alcohol intake
The bible has many references to the effects of alcohol on an individual.  This is where Paul and Solomon expound the topic of self control.  Alcohol also can be compared to anger.  In the bible there are two types of anger.  Natural anger and righteous indignation this is what it means when. “Vengeance is mine saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19).  

In the both the old and new testaments God has put in place guidelines to safe guard against this. Christians and Jews are told to turn the other check. Carry the load 2 miles instead of one. (Matt 5: 38-42). To work out their grievances with one another.  Do not let the sun go down on your anger.  We are also told not to judge others (Matt 7:1,2). At all times we must remember that “Man judges from the outside while God looks into the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). 

  1. Consume only moderate amounts of sugar foods containing added sugar.
This one was a little tricky until I thought of the verse saying that we are to taste and see that the Lord is good.  However, if a Christian only attended the high times like Easter, Christmas times or the evangelistic campaigns this would limit the overall affect of faith development.  If a Christian chased only the high spiritual times all the time the effect of their experiences could be compared to a person with diabetes.  Thus we need a steady influx of spiritual growth (like meeting together regularly to study God’s word) and not sudden revivals or we become like the man in the story that Tony Campolo tells that turned up at all the revivals crying for the Lord to fill him because he was always empty.   This went on at every revival. Until some one called out from the back of the room “Don’t do it Lord he leaks”.

Prevent weight gain by being physically active and eat according to your energy needs

The Christian journey is not only about maintaining your own faith but it is about sharing the good news with world.  It involves using the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given each individual to carry out the task of taking the Great commission to the world.  Matt 28: 19-20 “so go and make followers of all people in the world.  Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Teach them to obey everything that I have taught you” and again in Rev 10.    These are to do the works that God has called us to do in the book of Mathew Jesus tells the parable of the talents and the servants and also again in the parable of the Sheep and the goats.  These parables also indicate the attitude we are to do these things to advance to the kingdom of heaven.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Part 2 ADG and Spiritual Growth

First section Daily requirements of food items for optimal health

  1. Eat plenty of Vegetables and Fruit
For our physical bodies nutritionists recommend that we have 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables per day to provide vitamins and minerals and photo nutrients to fight the free radicals that build up in our bodies.  Paul gives some insight into the fruits and vegetables that a Christian should eat.  “Brothers and sisters, think about the things that are good and worthy of praise.  Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected” (Philippians 4:8)

In Galatians 5:22, 23 Paul outlines further the fruit of the Spirit “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” as another important aspect of our desire to obtain and turn away from our selfish past.

Another important aspect of this is prayer.  Prayer can be likened to the vitamins and minerals that we need every day in small amounts, but all essential for the chemical reactions and development of an individual’s body.  Prayers are needed for all sorts of things in a Christian’s daily journey.

  1. Eat plenty of Cereals
Cereals are the energy or power house and the staples in a person’s diet.  This food sustains the energy level of a person throughout the day.  In applying spiritual emphasis to this section the main source of energy and uplift in a Christian’s life is the study of the word.

Christians are encouraged to read it daily like the Bereans who studied it carefully.  The Jews studied the scriptures carefully as they thought had eternal life.  The Law and the Prophets also testified of Jesus.  Remember the bible study that the 2 disciples had on the road to Emmaus after Jesus had risen (Bible text _______). John also states “happy is the one who reads the words of God’s message, and happy are the people who hear this message and do what is written in it.”  (Rev 1:3)

  1. Include lean Meat, Fish, Poultry and Protein alternatives
Protein is considered to be the building blocks of the body.  They provide the amino acids that the individual’s body uses to reproduce it’s self in the form of DNA.  In the spiritual sense these are the beliefs (the frame works) which a Christian bases their understanding of doctrine and behaviours on (the principles.)

Another way to view this is cited by Vamosh (2002). 

“The Roman-era Jewish philosopher Philo saw this as a symbolic meaning in the permission granted by God to eat certain foods and to refrain from eating other kinds.  People increased in wisdom only if they had to consider carefully all aspects of life that would lead them to be more moral by chewing them over.  A way of remembering to do these would be to only eat those animals that chew their cud” (p.11).

  1. Include Milk, Yoghurts, Cheese and alternatives reduced fat varieties.
If you remember the Dairy corporations’ advertisement for this is all you need is a piece of cheese, a tub of yoghurt and a glass of milk a day to get your calcium requirement.  Calcium is required for healthy bones and body functions.  In this context Peter explains that “As new born babies want milk, you should want the pure and simple teaching.  By it you can grow up and be saved, because you have already examined and seen how good the Lord is.”  (1 Peter 2: 1-3)

  1. Drink plenty of Water
A human being’s physical bodies are least at 70% water.  A person needs water to regulate  their body temperature and also cleanse the cells and maintain the chemical processes.  The main example of spiritual emphasis of how water is important to us is found in Jesus discussion with the woman at the well.  Right at the end of the Bible in Rev 22: 17 the Angel says to John “Let whoever is thirsty come; whoever wishes may have the water of life as a free gift.”

 How much water does a person need for their spiritual body?  The physical body needs around at least 2 litres of water to be kept in balanced and sometimes more depending on the individual’s exercise or activity levels. Thus the Christian needs to drink from the well of living water also so he or she won’t go spiritually thirsty.