Saturday, April 27, 2013


When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.  Do not crave his delicacies for that food is deceptive.  Prov 23: 1-3 NIV

I was flicking through books in my library to which ones I would give away and discovered a devotional on health that came from a while ago, so I decided to browse through it.  The title caught my attention.

You can’t just cut your calories and expect to lose weight.  Here’s why: by nature, your body is highly efficient in storing fat calories.  It uses only about 3% of the fat calories you eat to digest, transport, and deposit fat into your body’s fat storage areas.  That means you must exercise to vast majority out of the body if you don’t want to gain weight.

In contrast your body metabolizers from excess protein, and excretes the by products rapidly.  You can have problems with excess protein of course because it stresses your liver and kidneys by forcing them to work overtime.  But excess protein doesn’t usually add to obesity.  You have no efficient metabolic pathway in your body by which you can turn protein into fat for storage.

Calories from CHO also rarely get stored as fat, because the metabolic pathways that you body uses to convert extra CHO into fat then than store them demand that you burn a lot of calories to do the job.  It takes 24% of the calories in CHO to do this – a highly inefficient use of the energy for CHOs.

In studies in which researchers put radioactive CHO markers in food, they learned that the body converted and stored less than 1% of the CHO load as fat.  Even when people ate CHO excessively, they generally burned them up in “wasteful” metabolic processes that tended to increase the body’s metabolic rate, not reduce it – as happens in calorie – restricted diets.

Another way to put this is that 1g of fat contains 9 calories, while 1g of protein or CHO has only 4 calories.  The moral of the story is avoid fat calories – they stick to your bones! There’s an interesting bit of advice in Proverbs 23:3 about overeating.  It say’s don’t crave a ruler’s delicacies, because that food is deceptive.  How true!  Most rich food is filled with fat calories that may be tough to get rid of. 

Sin is deceptive, too.  It may look and taste good, but the consequences on indulging may be harder to get rid of than fat calories.

Watch your moral diet, “for the wages of sin is death.” (Rom 6:23)