Friday, February 15, 2013

Fit for My King Part 4

 Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, 
but only one person gets the prize? 
So run to win!  
All athletes are disciplined in their training.
They do it to win a prize that will fade away, 
but we do it for an eternal prize. 
1 Corinthians 9:24 - 25 NLT

We have just finished the Olympic summer sport year and this year the winter Olympics is on later.  So we are well aware of what lengths athletes go to, to be their best.  Some of them use drugs to get there, others are clean.  

As I write this my hometown is gearing up for the Tour Downunder.  The bike riders have all come in for the week long event.  They have spent time training, riding on the road for months to get fit and ready for the start of the year of cycling events.

The same goes for us as well. God through Paul is asking us to train our minds and our bodies like athletes.  To prepare for the eternal prize and to glorify God.  We are to win lives to Christ.

Sheri's prayer for this reading 

"Dear God,
I commit to practice self-control over the next 30 days.  
May this 30 day commitment I am making to You turn into a life
 that runs the race of my faith with endurance.
In Jesus name I pray.
Amen. (p.21)

May God bless you as go throughout this coming week as God prepares, your heart, your mind and your spirit to experience his touch like never before ... the abundant life you were destined to live in him. (p.21)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Church Pot Luck of Spiritual Gift

"I want very much to see you, 
to give you some spiritual gift to make you strong.
I mean that I want us to help each other with the faith we have. 
Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you." 
Romans 1:11, 12 NCV

This sabbath I read an article in the RECORD my church's magazine about the importance of Potlucks in the church's ability to bring people together.  At one church I know one of the attendees would visit each church in the area when they were holding a luncheon.

Some young financially strapped student's that I know regularly decide where they will go to church for the day to get a meal.  (Sometimes they choose which church depending on which hospitality groups is cooking.)  Other churches I know of provide lunch for these students.

Some people I know will avoid them at any cost.  What is the importance of having potlucks or luncheons at a church?  The following sermonette brings light to this subject.

Covered Dish - A DEVOTIONAL from jimcf on GodTube.