This week the book of readings I use as part of my devotional time had this reading in it. It was too good to keep to myself, so here I am sharing this with all of you.
Your words were found, and I ate them,
and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart;
for I am called by Your name, O Lord God of hosts.
Jer. 15:16 NKJV

NOTHING COULD BE more mundane and universal than eating. Yet everyone loves it! If only we loved the eating of the Word as well.
Eating is a fine art in the Orient, where the proper balancing of the different kinds of foods is important: salty, sweet, spicy, sour, M-m-m, what might the Word look like as a sample Menu? Piquant Proverbs Appetisers; Fragrant Genesis Soup; Kings and Chronicles Fibre-rich salad; Isaiah Sweet-and-sour; Four-Gospel Casserole; Revelation Rhubarb Pie; Creme Brulee a la Galatians; Philippians Sparkling Beverage! Have you eaten a healthy balance today?
What it takes to enjoy the Word is similar to what it takes to enjoy food.
"Your words were found." Real food preparation requires personal effort.
"Finding" entails seeking and seeking takes time. Food preparations demands time with appropriate tools and strong flame. You've got to put yourself into the cooking before you put the cooking into you! Do you see the parallel to Bible study?
"I ate them." To eat means to put food in your mouth, chew, and swallow. Fibre-rich foods yields only to patient mastication. Preparation remains unfulfilled purpose until the food touches your tongue, teeth, and stomach. And just as physical digestion can be hindered by distractions, trying to do too many things at once also hinders the digestion of the Word.
"Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart." You can't taste how good a dish is until your nose, lips and tongue have done their work. Only then can a deep savouring sigh and a smile emerge. Real joy is a whole-body experience.
Ingest the Word; put the Word in you as you put yourself in the Word. For example, put your name into Ps. 91:14 - 16 and experience the energising effect.
Because (Name) has set (his/ her) love upon Me,
therefore I will deliver (him/ her);
I will set (Name) on high, because he/she has known My name.
(Name) shall call upon me and I will answer (him/ her):
I will be with (Name) in trouble;
I will deliver (him/ her), and honour (him/ her).
With long live will I satisfy (Name), and show (him/ her) my salvation
Did you feel energised after reading yourself into Scriptures?
That's what eating the Word is all about!
Ruth E Burke
(Kuzma. K. (2005). Fit for ever. One day devotionals for Body, Mind and spirit. Review and Herald Publishing Association.Hagerstown USA. p.298).
Places to go and get ideas to study the bible.
Various methods of studying the bible
Getting started
How to Enjoy Bible Study
How to Bible Study clip.
Bible versions/ Commentaries
Bible study tools
Bible Gate way
Bible Keeper
If you are one of those who likes to study themes then there are some awesome sites that I know allow you to actually study deeper and find meaning in the Word.
Discovery Courses
Voice of Prophecy
Amazing Facts
Have a go and enjoy a change of pace and direction in your study. May it be a delight to you, something that you look forward to every day.