This is for all those people out there who love chocolate. I had lots of fun finding all the different pictures of the chocolate. I hope you enjoy reading this one.
Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem along a
They became tired on the journey and needed a...
So Joseph decided it was time to stop for a
When they arrived at Bethlehme the only place to stay was a stable full of
Where the Baby Jesus was born
That night in a field near Bethlehem some shepherds where minding their sheep. It was so cold that the grass was..
As they were watching their sheep they were...
By some angels who told them to go to Bethlehem and see this new born King.
Meanwhile, in the east there were three...
.. or wise men who were studying the stars of the
...when they saw a huge star. They first thought it might have been the planet...
.. but it wasn't. They followed the star.
When they arrived at Bethlehem they entered and presented their...
.. of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
That night the three wise men had a ...
... in which God warned them that King Herod was up to his old.. they returned home with out telling him about Jesus.
You see, Christmas is more than Santa, Reindeer and Snow...
It is more than having lots of and lots of food to...
.. on.
We can get into so much of a...
... trying to organise Christmas we forget what is is really about!
This Christmas we need to take some...
.. and remember that the best thing about Christmas is JESUS.
Yes he is the ONE 4 ME!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day with family or your friends.