Why would someone write something about this most common practiced social activity? Everyone does it don’t they? We have the social committee s at work and church to do that, so that we can all have fun. We invite our friends and family members over for a meal or BBQ to spend time together.
Do we really know what the term hospitality really means? Meredith Fawcett and Leonie Lee in their book Food tech issues (1995) states "Food or drink is offered to a guest for a number of reasons:
- to make the guest feel welcome;
- for companionship - sharing food can make the guest feel relaxed and happy in the presence of others;
- familiarity - when the guest is from a different cultural background it may be of value to offer them food and drink that is familar to them so they will feel comfortable and welcome." (pp.14,15)
Hospitality is a very important part of the gospel and Middle Eastern culture. In the mind of the Israelite or Middle Eastern person the presence of a guest under one’s room was considered literally a God-given opportunity to do a good deed. Why would they think like this?
Well let’s look at scripture. In Leviticus God asks or directs the people when they go into the Promised Land to look after the widowed, fatherless and strangers/ aliens by providing food, water and shelter.
How serious is God about this type of Hospitality well have a look at Matthew 25: 34 - 46. Yes it comes down to how we treat people and the reason for our actions.
If God places so much importance on this can we find any examples of God providing Hospitality? Yes we can.
In the Old Testament there are quite a few.
1. Exodus experience of the Jews in the wilderness. God provided water and manna everyday for 40 years for over a million people.
2. He provided food for Elijah at the beginning of the drought by ravens and the end of it after his flight from Jezebel.
3. He provided the Widow of Nahan and Elijah with oil and flour for 3 long drought ridden years.
4. He cares about our food and health by un poisoning the cucumber soup of the prophets through Elisha.
In the New Testament there are examples as well.
1. Jesus’ first miracle was to turn Water into Wine.
2. Jesus Feed five thousand men (counted also women and children ) from 2 loaves and five fish. There was so much food left over that there were 12 baskets of it.
3. Another time there were 10 baskets of bread and fish left over after feeding 3 thousand men.
4. He provided breakfast for the disciples on the shore after they had been fishing all night for the last time.
5. God also provided food for Jesus after his temptation.
Jesus told many parables of what the kingdom of God is like and what God is really like. My favourite Christian author tells how he held a birthday party for a prostitute in Honolulu at 3 am. The café owner wanted to know which church he went to, to be able to do that. Is God like that?
Yes Jesus tells of prodigical son and the father response to finding his lost son. He also tells stories about the King who held a party and was rejected by his acquaintances and so he invited everyone in and had them dress up.
There is one more party to come and I know I want to be there. (To quote the heritage singers.) There is one big party in the earth made new and we will make new friends and reacquaint ourselves with old ones and family who have passed away. Yes that is a party worth accepting the invitations too.
In accepting that invitation we have then a response to make when we consider Matthew 25. We have to choose first to be covered by Jesus’ white garment. We cannot do things on our own. We then have to follow the directions set down by God and it is our attitude in doing them that God will be noticing.
Practically we have examples of hedeseed given in the Old Testament in the book of Ruth and that is how Boaz was blessed. So what can we do?
How many of us spend time at thanks giving or Christmas time down at a kitchen that provides meals for people without homes and also family to share this time with for whatever reason.
How many of us have invited home from church the visitors that have come that day. The people who live by themselves (male or female) or do we leave it for the social committee or the person who is rostered on to do it? That’s their job is it not?
We can invite our non-church friends to dinner or a games night at our place and slowly introduce them over time to Christ through friend ship evangelism. We can invite those difficult children to our child’s birthday party and let them enjoy friendship and learn social skills. There are many little things (like provide a drink of water for the person walking door to door on a hot day) that we do each day if we have this mindset that God will see and no one else, but they will be recorded in heaven for all eternity. Also in doing this many have entertained Angels.
So after all this discussion what do you think the answer is to the question is God serious about hospitality? I think the only question really is what are you going to do about?